Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 24: Viennoiserie!! Pecan Sticky Buns, Sally Lunn Buns, Orange Cinnamon Swirl Bread

Yessirree, Viennoiserie!!! Here is our intro to breads! This unit is somehow wedged between Puff 1 and Puff 2, but I just don't see why... I'm not complaining though! Anyways, the bread world is quite different from everything else we have learned so far. There's more "waiting" time between steps. It's good, but bad. We really had to learn to manage our time well, because once you start something when something else is proofing, you'd better make sure that you don't forget about that thing that's proofing. And being a baker during this unit is not a happy task. Thumbs up to our bakers for this unit!!!

And now, without further ado, I present the start of our Viennoiserie!

First up is the Pecan Sticky Buns! Move over Cinnabon!!! Oh, this was really, really good. I'm a total sucker for Sticky Buns and I was not disappointed! =)

Sally Lunn, oh Sally Lunn! I loved these buns. So did my little one! It was a good bribing tool while it lasted!

And finally, the Orange Cinnamon Swirl Loaf. This was good, but it would have been great without the raisins. Sorry peeps, I'm just not a raisin fan (you can thank my bro for that)! Though I have to say that letting the raisins soak in rum makes it more tolerable! =)

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