Sunday, August 17, 2008

The beginning...

Well, I have made the decision to go to the French Culinary Institute and take the Classic Pastry Arts course! I am uber excited so I started this blog to document my journey, even though I won't be starting until probaby March of 2009. In the mean time, you will probably just see random things, like maybe how I am a big closet (or is it out of the closet?) fan of The Backyardigans! Or how my little one amazes me almost everyday by saying something wise beyond his almost 3 years... Or how I made Banana Nut muffins for my mom today using a recipe from Annabel Karmel's cook book for children called First Meals (substituting the sugar with Splenda of course)... Or, maybe you'll just see me venting about a bad day or gushing over a wonderful day that I had! Or I may post an "A-ha" green idea I saw on the Green Planet channel since Mother Earth needs all the help she can get... And so dear reader, I hope you enjoy! =)

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