Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I was driving a friend home today and as I was driving alongside some railroad tracks, one of those newer double decker trains came by.  Of course, that got me thinking about how the train looks inside because I had never been in one of those, which got me thinking about my train ride into the city once I start classes at the FCI!  Then I started daydreaming about what I will be learning, what new creations I can come up with...  My daydreaming came to an abrupt stop as I realized that I completely missed my turn off!  Anyway, I'm still so very excited about the classes that I can hardly contain myself!  =)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Organic Sake

So I went to the liquor store today on the hunt for Sake - Japanese rice wine. I am planning to make some Salmon Teriyaki and Sake is one of the ingredients. I had never bought or even tried Sake before so I didn't really know what to look for. And so, after I picked up my son from school, we went looking around town for a liquor store. I was able to find one not too far from our house. From the outside, it looked like a tiny store so I was a little concerned as to whether or not they would have it, but once I walked through the double doors, the place was actually quite big and very clean and organized! When I got to the Japanese wine section, I was confronted by a huge selection of Sake. I didn't know which one to pick!!!! Again, I know absolutely NOTHING about Sake, so I had no idea which one to get! The nice sales lady made a few suggestions, but I happened to see the word "organic" on one of the bottles, so I took a look at that one. I was so surprised to see Sake made from organic rice! And to top it off, it was only $5.99!!! That was great! And so, I went ahead and bought it - Sho Chiku Bai brand. That's SO cool! =)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Is expensive really better than cheap?

Not always, but I'm sure that you already knew that! I am kind of picky when it comes to lotions... I had purchased one of those big packs of Eucerin at Costco because I have extremely dry skin. Well, it seems to help, kind of, but it is just too greasy and after I take a shower, I feel like my skin is back to square 1. A while back, I had purchased a bottle of Jergen's Ultra Healing (a whole lot cheaper than Eucerine, mind you) and I had completely forgotten about it. Well, I stumbled upon it and gave it a try and I love it! I really feel a difference and to top it off, it has a nice mild scent. It smells like nice clean laundry to me, which I adore! And so at probably about half the price of Eucerin, Jergen's Ultra Healing does a better job for me, and smells better too!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The beginning...

Well, I have made the decision to go to the French Culinary Institute and take the Classic Pastry Arts course! I am uber excited so I started this blog to document my journey, even though I won't be starting until probaby March of 2009. In the mean time, you will probably just see random things, like maybe how I am a big closet (or is it out of the closet?) fan of The Backyardigans! Or how my little one amazes me almost everyday by saying something wise beyond his almost 3 years... Or how I made Banana Nut muffins for my mom today using a recipe from Annabel Karmel's cook book for children called First Meals (substituting the sugar with Splenda of course)... Or, maybe you'll just see me venting about a bad day or gushing over a wonderful day that I had! Or I may post an "A-ha" green idea I saw on the Green Planet channel since Mother Earth needs all the help she can get... And so dear reader, I hope you enjoy! =)